august 29.
well. news i
can tell you about here: tour is coming in october/november and i'll make it a
little page soon, meanwhile there is wes's own website you can visit and pollstar
too. west coast dates as of yet unconfirmed west coasters. words page updated. i see sarah and emily and
sheila and karen and bethann and alison and alison and jeroen and wes and donna
and bob and bob and teri and ruth and francine and paula and my mother and my
father those are pictures i can see from here oh and also paul and bob and jean
and alison (1) again also the i am in the midst of a kind of photographic
expansion you may be up soon yourself it is nice to look at faces instead of
screen of words always also there is a part of the railing not the bannister
whatever holds the bannister up from the old original weekly dennis kicked out
that was long ago now the whole place is carted off rubble. i have a column due
and something else due. all the tom waits video interview segments (yrs truly
the other voice) are up at . but they never
did put out that cd we made. disappointingly. went to breakfast at the cafe du
village i passed one of the waiters down on the corner and he shook my hand it
seemed very french (was by definition i suppose he being that) if i turn around
i can also see sarah (x5) steve mark kevin andy michael keith juan me. steve was
here. saw him mary other steve in flesh. also bunny rabbit. also tim and artist
girlfriend name unfortunately escaping me but very nice. starts with an l? it
will come back to me.