3-1-00. Drank a root beer. 3-2-00.Called New Orleans to check on candy. Maybe tomorrow! Saw Martha G. + baby + four other babies + four other mothers = tableful of babies, mothers. 3-3-00. Shocking Mistruths Confirmed: historical whimsy from the dusty past. Lunch. No candy. Carol Burnett and friends at the DGA. Oh that was very funny. Tim Conway -- that man is a genius. 3-4-00. Established links on the Romans page to offsite M. Uhlenkott pix. Beautiful, strange. Ignore them at your peril. Still no candy. Lots of CAT POOP though. 3-5-00. Rain. Dean! Go-Go's! Rain. Rain. Rain. Rain. Rain. Rain. Rain. 3-6-00. Lots of new stuff here. Too many ginger snaps (homemade, good). Threw Kismet out 3 times (not our cat, doesn't live here) but he's inside now, asleep upstairs. No candy. No rain. No rain. No rain. 3-7-00. Patriotic duty dun. Notwithstanding cynical view of presidential contestants. This is new. No candy by the way. No rain but very cold. 3-8-00. Candy finally came. I was happy it finally came but not happy it came. It looked like a science project gone bad. No more internet impulse buys for me. Plumber came. What did he find? Nothing. Now if you'll excuse me. 3-13-00. 3-13? What happened to 9, 10, 11, 12? Entertaining your hypotheses now at rslloyd@yahoo.com. Where is Deanna? That's another question I'd like answered. Soon. New things here and here. Check it out check it out. Do not be shy. 3-15-00. Hey everybody it's the Ides of March. Today I saw a puppy. Can't even remember what happened yesterday. Well I could if I concentrated. More old stuff posted for your reading pleasure, my time wasting amusement. The puppy's name is Buster. Oh and I cooked a fish. 3-16-00 was a wasted day. 3-17-00. St. Patrick's Day. Wear something green or get pinched. Actually it's been years since anyone bothered to pinch me for not wearing green on St. Patrick's Day and that's sad in a way isn't it. Saw Cuban music played but who doesn't these days? Oh and there's this. 3-18-00. Where would we be without the Koneffs? Hungrier and unhappier. Buster is still cute. Likes his big stuffed bone. 3-19-00. Big courtyard morning hang with the people the neighbors new and old added James here scroll to bottom when you arrive and check out Julie and Kelly too while you're there life can be good apples and peanut butter the new Yo La Tengo the new Giant Sand with cover design may I add by the wonderful Ms. Sheila Sachs of the windy city of Chicago. Did this and this closing in on completion of tourography though lacking Wes 94 itinerary it may never be complete. 3-20-00.Inching closer though with the addition of Carlene 92. Now just that one Wes tour left. Ongoing additions and revisions in that little corner of the site new links going in all the time any page likely to change to grow to extend its tendrils I'm being metaphorical now to new corners of that space called cyber. So look again if you haven't looked yet. 3-21-00. First day of Spring unless that's tomorrow. Deirdre told me not long ago that in olden times what we think of as the beginning of summer was considered the middle of summer which does make sense from an astronomical point of view. So this would have been the middle of spring. In olden times. Cooked a chicken. An improvised marinade of orange juice, olive oil, balsamic vinegar, honey and vanilla. Now I have to work or I'll be up all night and I'll be up all night anyway. 3-22-23-00. Didn't sleep so it's just one long day from Wednesday morning to Thursday night. Come back in a week and check the latest column link on the Words page for the fruits of that white night as the French call a nuit blanche. Two weeks at that link then two weeks at the penultimate column link and after that you'll just have to be clever. Meanwhile looka here. That was a long time ago. This was today but if you're here and you are here you've seen it so you've seen it. It's nothing really just an obstacle to enrich and extend your stay. Oh I could tear it down at any time so enjoy it while yet you may. 3-24-00. McCabe's. Steve Lacy. Roswell Rudd.3-25-00. Jill. 3-26-00. Aimee Mann was on the Oscars. 3-27-00. New link to Dag here. Dag is the man. And a man. 3-28-00. Figured out how to make the lines under the links go away. Lines gone, links still here, a prettier page. Though maybe not on your browser, there's just never any telling. You won't get that excellent blinking numeral on the counter page either if you're one of those MSN people. I'm sorry. This is dull. Here's to a more exciting: |